For motivation, I thought I'd make a list of everything I'm fighting for.
- Eating the amount I actually fancy rather than a serving size
- Eating cake on my birthday rather than some low calorie mush that I've made
- Spending days out at the beach rather than the supermarket
- Reading fashion/travel blogs and watching those videos rather than ones about health or food
- Indulging in chick flicks and chocolate on my period rather than wondering if I'll be infertile for life
- Enjoying all my favourite sports again
- Being able to share a bag of crisps with my friends rather than worrying about whether I'll be able to log the actual amount that I had
- Being able to focus on my school work and knowing I've done the best that I could
- Having the ability to lie in in the morning
- Getting drunk with my friends without worrying about the calories
- Going clothes shopping and judging the outfit rather than myself
- Letting go of perfectionism
- Rekindling old friendships
- Looking forward to dates (and being able to get them!) rather than doing extensive research on what I should choose to eat
- Going out for lunch with my parents
- Celebrating with champagne
- Friends actually wanting to play with and style my hair again, because it won't fall out anymore
- Being happy about breakfast in bed, or surprise food
- Baking
- Reading novels rather than cookery books
- Spending my days pursuing hobbies rather than looking at nutrition labels
- Never feeling restricted again
- Living long enough to be a crazy cat lady
- Happiness
- Dyeing my hair lots of colours, and not being afraid that it will fall out
- Being healthy enough to travel, and trying all those exotic foods
- Painting my (long and healthy) nails with my friends
- Enjoying bubble baths without judging my body
- Waking up and having something good to do that day
- Baking (and indulging in!) the good stuff, not something like those low calorie molten brownies I once made *shudders*
- Finding, and creating, myself
- Getting compliments on my body rather than comments of concern
- Not really caring what other people think of my body anyway
- Looking at myself in the mirror, not just my body
- Not caring about bloating
- Being a less judgemental person, and paying little to no attention to food choices
- Having a luxurious Christmas dinner
- Being able to get a quick snack when I'm out and about without thinking twice about it
- Being able to try a food/drink when someone asks, "Want some?"
- Having real dreams and goals, rather than dreams of low calorie junk food and goals that are no more than a number on the scale
- Looking forward to the future
- Having room in my head
- Being able to make new foods spontaneously
- Fantasising about boys/girls rather than food
- Having a movie night with my family
- Getting popcorn at the cinema
- Having good things to do
- Having genuine interests, not just food and nutrition
- Having a life that is worth living
Of course, recovery is something different to everyone. But these thoughts and this kind of life is the goal for me right now.
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