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18 Ways to Increase Calorie Intake

Hey guys,

I know a lot of people struggle to get a sufficient intake to become an ideal weight during recovery, and, whilst I recommend working with a nutritionist or counselor to resolve the underlying issues and help you become more comfortable with an increased intake and volume, this is my advice for getting sufficient energy in the meantime.

I also want to point out that I am in no way a nutritionist, I am just pointing out what worked for me! 😊

  1. Smoothies are great if you struggle with an increased volume. To these, you can add things like nut butter, seeds, coconut oil, avocados, dates, bananas and protein powder
  2. Cook foods in oil where possible, rather than water
  3. Opt for dried fruit rather than fresh
  4. Add extra toppings to your oatmeal, such as coconut chips, peanut butter, dark chocolate, bananas, dates, nuts and/or seeds
  5. Swap simple side salads for those featuring nuts, beans, seeds, extra veggies etc. 
  6. Switch side salads for things like beans or mushy peas when you are having baked potatoes, or rice when you are having curries and chillis
  7. Eat more frequently, maybe having 4-8 more manageable meals each day
  8. Drink your calories in things like milk, yoghurt drinks, nutritional drinks and protein shakes
  9. Snack more often, especially on things like nuts and seeds
  10. Incorporate more fat into your diet, especially if you are struggling with issues relating to hormones (healthy fats include avocado, nuts and seeds, olive oil, and dark chocolate)
  11. Limit your exercise so that more nutrition goes into repairing your body
  12. Swap dressings like salsa for those with more nutrients, like tahini, coleslaw or guacamole
  13. Stop using the low fat versions of things like milk or yoghurt, and opt for those with full nutrition
  14. Use a bit extra of dressings and spreads
  15. Use more toppings on your food, such as cheese or substitute, sauces and dressings
  16. Eat dessert if you feel like it/have room to (recovery is all about eating what you feel like and letting go of restrictions; if you want dessert, enjoy it!)
  17. Cut down on caffeine and other stimulants that may be suppressing your appetite and hunger
  18. Allow other people to serve you food or dine out if you are struggling to know what a normal portion looks like

That's all I can think of today, and I hope it helps!
If anyone has any other suggestions, I would love to hear about them in the comments :)


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