Hi team,
This may not work for everyone, but, for me, it really helps to disassociate with my body somewhat during recovery. I'm aiming not to feel totally disconnected of course, but it reassures me to know that I am not my legs, or my stomach, or my arms, or even my face. These are just things that make up the body I have, and that body is the mode of transport for my life. Nothing more, nothing less.
But it's still a pretty fantastic thing.
I decided to try and make a big ol' list (yep, I love lists) for all the things that we should try to appreciate about our bodies.
- Your blood carries platelets to control the bleeding every time you get a cut
- Your brain can create the most beautiful dreams whilst you sleep
- Your brain makes sure that you always carry on breathing, even when you're asleep
- Your bones can repair themselves after you break them
- Your blood can cure you of viruses and make you better again
- Your legs and arms allow you to dance and express joy
- Your eyes can see the beauty of the trees, fields, mountains and rivers
- Your eyes themselves are beautiful, too
- Your arms can hold the one(s) you love
- Your hands can write beautiful poems and turn the pages of books
- Your brain can rewire itself to create a new habit in 21 days
- Your bones and muscles have elongated and changed to allow you to grow
- Your brain releases the hormones capable of boosting your mood and making life fun
- Your body always tries to get the right temperature for you, and will sweat if you're too hot or shiver if you're too cold
- Your muscles and tissues are repaired as you sleep
- Your tastebuds - all 10,000 of them - let you register the most amazing tastes
- You brain senses pain so that you can quickly back away and protect your body
- Your tears wash things out of your eyes that may damage you
- Your nose can detect about 10,000 smells - and some of them may be ones you really like (wake up and smell the coffee, anyone?)
- Your eyes are capable of processing 36,000 pieces of information per hour, to make your life less confusing
- Your brain retains memories, meaning that you can buy thoughtful gifts, recognize dangerous situations and reflect on the good times
- Your brain can completely ignore pain in times of shock and trauma, making it less awful for you
- Your feet can walk miles on end, and take you to some really beautiful places
- Your heart keeps beating at all times to keep you alive
- Your body loves you
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